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For recruiters, job seekers, coaches and hiring teams to thrive!

Best Questions To Ask In An Interview-For Employers and Recruiters


Best Interview Questions To Ask Candidates

By Michael R. Neece, CEO,


This article gives hiring teams, interviewers, recruiters, and hiring managers the best questions to ask in an interview to evaluate candidates. 

Every hour of every business day in the USA, 2.7 million job interviews take place, and interviewers continue to make the same mistakes by asking common interview questions.


Job interviewers are critical business meetings where interviewers must gather information to predict the future job performance of a stranger that they’ve meet with for 45 minutes. Hiring is the only business process that tolerates bad hires and making a hiring decision based on intuition.




Simplifying Recruiting Complexity

Coordination Of People And Information

Hiring involves the coordination of work activities among many participants (HR, hiring teams, 3rd-party vendors), as documents and data flow through the hiring process. Documents and data include job descriptions, resumes, interview feedback, background checks, references, and offers.


Making improvements can seem overwhelming with so many moving parts. This brief article reveals how to reduce complexity and significantly increase the speed and quality of hiring while reducing costs and increasing recruiting productivity.


Simplifying complexity and making high-value improvements begins by creating a visual map of your hiring process. Just like a GPS map, a process map reveals the path...


2021 Hiring Tips Series (1 thru 9)


The “2021 Hiring Tips Series” launched last week so recruiters and hiring teams can improve the hiring process.

Each day I post a 30-second video giving you 3 more hiring tips covering interviewing, hiring process, and technology tips gathered from thousands of hiring teams, recruiters, and talent acquisition leaders.

This video blog gives you the first nine (9) tips in a single 90-second video. You can also find the daily posts on the Interview Mastery channels for LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. You can also find them on my personal LinkedIn profile and Instagram page.

Best Regards, 


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