5 Video Resume Tips For Candidates And Recruiters


Here are 5 “VIDEO RESUME” tips for job seekers and 3rd party recruiters, so you create an awesome video resume.

TikTok recently started promoting video resumes as a way to apply to video job openings posted on TikTok. This continues the wider use of video in the recruiting process.

Companies are beginning to request a video resume with the traditional resume document. This emerging trend will soon become the norm and affects both candidates and 3rd party recruiters.

Several years ago, companies began using video interviewing apps that record a candidate’s responses for 3-5 screening questions. This is just like a video version of a phone screen.

Now we see the emergence of video resumes.
But “video resumes” are more like “video cover letters”. Historically, the cover letter highlighted the position you are applying to, key parts of your talents, and closed with you expressing your interest. Video resumes are just like that.

During a video resume, the candidate highlights parts of their background, what makes them unique, then they express their interest in the job.

Here are 5 tips for making a professional video resume so you confidently communicate your experiences, uniqueness, and interest.

There are two different types of video resumes:

  • The first type of video resume is general purpose. It highlights your experience for the types of positions you're seeking.
  • The second type of video resume is job-specific. It’s a short video highlighting two or three areas of experience related to a specific position where you're applying.

Here are 5 tips to make your video resumes awesome:

#1. Length:

Make your video resume 1 - 2 minutes in length. Remember you are briefly highlighting the parts of your talents that are most important to each employer.

#2. Write The Script:

  • Write down the script (double-spaced) of what you want to say during your video resume. Write it out word-for-word or use a bulleted list of the points you want to say.
  • Use a large font, like 14-to-16-point font, when you type out your script. Using a large font makes the script easier to see and read. 

#3. Key Points:

Highlight only experiences that directly relate to the job you're applying for. Also, include one thing that makes you memorable. This could be a hobby, personal accomplishment, or life event. Be professional. Be brief. When possible, include an image of work samples. This works best for visual professions.

#4. Emphasis:

Use bubble text on the video to visually reinforce key points you're saying in the video. You can also present a list of keywords to quickly convey multiple talent areas and/or personality traits.

#5. Call-to-Action:

Close your video with a “Call To Action”. Tell your viewers what you want them to do. In your call to action say something like:

  • “Check out my LinkedIn profile to learn more and contact me via e-mail or text. I’m very excited to speak with you soon to discuss how I can contribute to your company.”
  • Be certain to include your name, e-mail, phone, and profile info at the end of your video.

More Free Tips

To see 4 more free video tips, for candidates and recruiters, click or go to https://www.interviewmastery.com/video-interviews-meetings-recruiters

 Best Regards,

[email protected] 


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